June 2014 - Competing in bodybuilding shows is not for everyone, but for me it helps to reinforce what I already do. The accountability is what makes all the difference in the world -- accountability to my coach, accountability to the process and my own outcome/ranking at the show by adhering to a clean eating protocol and regimented workout routine has truly helped me to achieve so much more than what is visible on stage. It has helped me to re-invent myself at 46 years old.
Dedication, commitment and self-control are hallmarks of what is required for contest prep. When I qualified for nationals in April '14, I was at a crossroad as to whether I wanted to continue with contest prep to prepare for nationals or not -- more meal prep, more focused workouts, more accountability, more scrutiny… but all-in-all, I owed it to myself as I did not want to miss out on a once in a life time opportunity. I chose to go for it and I could not be happier. Nationals are yet to come, but what I have learned doing two shows back-to-back might surprise you.
Changed a “Can do” to “Will do” attitude. I will do this and I will do my best no matter how daunting it may have seemed on the outset.
Evolution of my fitness level is fueled by contest prep. I am forced to operate at a higher level to get results. I thought I was in the best shape of my life before, but I’m in even better shape now. I’m lifting heavier weights. I’m able to sustain interval training longer. I am more nimble and my flexibility and balance are better. Everything is better.
A longer time-frame in contest prep [since January] has also allowed me to change my set point weight and I could not be happier.
Being a competitor has been a gift I gave to myself. It has given me more than I ever imagined – a new ME. I am so thankful to my competition coach, IFBB Pro Michelle Johnson, owner of TeamKnockouts for being the best in the business. She is my accountability partner in this whole process.
Being held accountable is not something most adults want, but sometimes it is the very thing you need. Find something, someone you can be held accountable to and you WILL go to the next level. Train with a personal trainer to hold you accountable to your workouts so that if you don't show up they will know, if you don't give 100% they will call you ou. Sign up for a race to be accountable to your outcome.
Tell someone to hold you accountable and mean it!
Dedication, commitment and self-control are hallmarks of what is required for contest prep. When I qualified for nationals in April '14, I was at a crossroad as to whether I wanted to continue with contest prep to prepare for nationals or not -- more meal prep, more focused workouts, more accountability, more scrutiny… but all-in-all, I owed it to myself as I did not want to miss out on a once in a life time opportunity. I chose to go for it and I could not be happier. Nationals are yet to come, but what I have learned doing two shows back-to-back might surprise you.
Changed a “Can do” to “Will do” attitude. I will do this and I will do my best no matter how daunting it may have seemed on the outset.
Evolution of my fitness level is fueled by contest prep. I am forced to operate at a higher level to get results. I thought I was in the best shape of my life before, but I’m in even better shape now. I’m lifting heavier weights. I’m able to sustain interval training longer. I am more nimble and my flexibility and balance are better. Everything is better.
A longer time-frame in contest prep [since January] has also allowed me to change my set point weight and I could not be happier.
Being a competitor has been a gift I gave to myself. It has given me more than I ever imagined – a new ME. I am so thankful to my competition coach, IFBB Pro Michelle Johnson, owner of TeamKnockouts for being the best in the business. She is my accountability partner in this whole process.
Being held accountable is not something most adults want, but sometimes it is the very thing you need. Find something, someone you can be held accountable to and you WILL go to the next level. Train with a personal trainer to hold you accountable to your workouts so that if you don't show up they will know, if you don't give 100% they will call you ou. Sign up for a race to be accountable to your outcome.
Tell someone to hold you accountable and mean it!