Loathe exercising? Keep starting and stopping? Maybe you haven't found the right fit for you or maybe you are someone who NEEDS variety to keep you interested. Exercise diversity is the spice of fitLife for me.
Today, I started to fill my cup with some of the kettlebell "kool aid". I got my assessment and "form" instruction as I prepare for my first session at Brian Wright - Personal Training -- so looking forward to swinging these cast iron cannonballs.
Yesterday, I took on a ViPR class at Xtreme Fitness which exposed me to loaded movement training that integrates the entire body for strength, cardio and agility training using a hollowed weighted rubber tube. Today, I am sore so I must have challenged my body in a new way which is awesome.
While both ViPR and Kettlebells have a full-body training aspect, they are vastly different in execution which I personally like. I'm ALWAYS on the prowl for something new... now I've got two new interests, two new challenges to master and can already see new fitness growth on the horizon.
The fundamentals of what I do exercise wise changes very little, but my methods do - I lift weights to keep my body strong, I workout with intensity to burn calories and, when possible, I personally prefer full-body exercises to get more bang for my time investment. Pilates and Boxing were also added to my 2013 exercise toolbox. I'm happy to have Kettlebells and ViPR as part the mix! Overcome exercise boredom -- try something NEW!
Today, I started to fill my cup with some of the kettlebell "kool aid". I got my assessment and "form" instruction as I prepare for my first session at Brian Wright - Personal Training -- so looking forward to swinging these cast iron cannonballs.
Yesterday, I took on a ViPR class at Xtreme Fitness which exposed me to loaded movement training that integrates the entire body for strength, cardio and agility training using a hollowed weighted rubber tube. Today, I am sore so I must have challenged my body in a new way which is awesome.
While both ViPR and Kettlebells have a full-body training aspect, they are vastly different in execution which I personally like. I'm ALWAYS on the prowl for something new... now I've got two new interests, two new challenges to master and can already see new fitness growth on the horizon.
The fundamentals of what I do exercise wise changes very little, but my methods do - I lift weights to keep my body strong, I workout with intensity to burn calories and, when possible, I personally prefer full-body exercises to get more bang for my time investment. Pilates and Boxing were also added to my 2013 exercise toolbox. I'm happy to have Kettlebells and ViPR as part the mix! Overcome exercise boredom -- try something NEW!