The one question I’m probably asked the most is “What keeps me motivated?” Different days may yield different answers. Here is today’s answer. Seeing my body morph into something new kept me motivated at the beginning. As time has passed not sabotaging those results has kept me even more motivated. I don’t want to “waste” my own investment in ME.
I have also been fascinated by accomplishing physical things I would have never thought I was capable of doing – like competing in a bodybuilding competition and running a half marathon. These things may not be big deals to others, but they are (were) to ME. They are not so daunting anymore. They are challenging. They require dedication, but I am motivated to push myself outside of my own comfort zone otherwise, I will stall, stagnant, remain the same. I owe myself more than mediocrity especially when I KNOW I can deliver more. I am not the best, but I do MY best. The challenge to accomplish these feats drives me and the finish (no matter what placement/ranking) is my sweet reward.
I feel the best when I am moving. Exercise has really turned into my life’s equilibrium. It truly rebalances me. Something about that trickle of sweat down my face or back puts everything in perspective, washes away worry, and creates a sense of renewal and balance.
My body is far from perfect. however, I am without a doubt in the best shape of my life. I am faster. I am stronger. I am more capable. I am healthier and most importantly I am a role model for my young son through my ACTIONS not words.
For me, exercise is not easy. I don’t do it because it is easy. I do it because I want to be healthier and I want to have some longevity and be an active parent for my son. This is my main motivational driver.
Motivation comes from within. Find that beacon to keep you focused.
I have also been fascinated by accomplishing physical things I would have never thought I was capable of doing – like competing in a bodybuilding competition and running a half marathon. These things may not be big deals to others, but they are (were) to ME. They are not so daunting anymore. They are challenging. They require dedication, but I am motivated to push myself outside of my own comfort zone otherwise, I will stall, stagnant, remain the same. I owe myself more than mediocrity especially when I KNOW I can deliver more. I am not the best, but I do MY best. The challenge to accomplish these feats drives me and the finish (no matter what placement/ranking) is my sweet reward.
I feel the best when I am moving. Exercise has really turned into my life’s equilibrium. It truly rebalances me. Something about that trickle of sweat down my face or back puts everything in perspective, washes away worry, and creates a sense of renewal and balance.
My body is far from perfect. however, I am without a doubt in the best shape of my life. I am faster. I am stronger. I am more capable. I am healthier and most importantly I am a role model for my young son through my ACTIONS not words.
For me, exercise is not easy. I don’t do it because it is easy. I do it because I want to be healthier and I want to have some longevity and be an active parent for my son. This is my main motivational driver.
Motivation comes from within. Find that beacon to keep you focused.